Políticas Rurales UE
European Union Youth Portal
European Parliament
European Rural Parliament
Council of Europe
Since 1972, the Council of Europe has become the main driving force behind youth policy development and youth work in Europe
One of the aims of youth policy is to ensure young people enjoy the same opportunities, benefits, access to services and rights, regardless of where they live.
Based on the council of Europe’s core values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, the new strategy should draw on existing policy documents while addressiong any policy gaps that have been identified, and be as flexible and innovative as possible.
«Agenda 2020» is a medium-term strategic document on youth policy. It was unanimously approved by the youth ministers of almost 50 European States at the 8th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth in Kyiv on 10-11 October 2008, and expresses the pan-European consensus on the principles, priorities and approaches.