Target Groups
Beneficiaries of the Project
Young workers, relevant social actors (experts, researchers, political leaders, entrepreneurs, social mediators, peer groups, other vulnerable groups, citizens themselves, etc.); from partners, collaborators, or the European rural community.
Integrating into the project the results generated by the contact with senior or senior people, initially at the margin of the project, constitute a fundamental piece, since it brings important added value to the project.
As a consequence of RURAL LAB-Y’s own start-up and development, contributing to build its own identity, these are aspects that we consider very necessary to achieve the expected results.
Therefore, the opinion, experience and contributions of different groups in situations of social exclusion, such as seniors, people with disabilities and rural women, will be taken into account as great examples of social empowerment, which will participate indirectly in this ambitious project during the whole process, both in the tasks of preparing the proposed activities and in the execution of the same, showing examples of good practices, led by the referred collectives and related to the project themes.
Young workers in the field of youth, aged 18-30, suggested by the associated entities, committed to the rural territories and who wish to know other initiatives, youth projects, tools, training resources, professionals, entities; with the aim of establishing future Network collaborations, good professional practices and important feedback.
promotes the participation not only of professionals in the field of youth, of the mentioned entities, but also, it intends to mobilize the rural population actively, in a perspective and multidisciplinary perspective, involving different public and private entities, and even the inhabitants of the territory. This is a fundamental aspect for the correct execution of the project, through an informal group methodology.
Through this initiative, the social concerns of young people in rural areas will be identified and expressed, drawing attention to this problem (high level of aging, limited economic development and limited resources), contributing to the settlement of the population and articulating solutions and collaboration in the RURAL LABY Network.