Entidad Colaboradora

La Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial, EGTC Duero-Douro es una figura legal creada en virtud del Reglamento (CE) 1082/2006, por el cual se rige por su propia personalidad jurídica, que es sin fines de lucro. Tiene plena capacidad para actuar, y su objeto y propósito es la promoción y el desarrollo de sus miembros, la cooperación transfronteriza, transnacional e interregional con el único propósito de fortalecer la cohesión económica y social.

Frauga is a local development association whose objectives are: study, safeguard and defend the cultural and natural heritage from Picote; promote and develop awareness and training actions that enhance local human resources, with a view to pursuing statutory purposes; promote local development, understood as a process of improving the social and economic conditions of life of the village.

A Frauga é uma associação de desenvolvimento local cujos objectivos são: estudar, salvaguardar e defender o património cultural e natural do termo de Picote; promover e desenvolver acções de sensibilização e formação que valorizem os recursos humanos locais, com vista à prossecução dos fins estatutários; promover o desenvolvimento local, entendido como processo de melhoria das condições de sociais e económicas de vida da aldeia.

Know & Can Association is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 in Sofia. It works mainly in the field of non-formal education and on European projects and programmes in the fields of education, rights, justice, citizenship and mobility. It has partners in 20 EU countries, Turkey, Albania, and Macedonia.

Сдружение “Знам и Мога” е неправителствена организация, учредена през 2007 в София. Работи основно в сферата на неформалното образование и по Европейски проекти и програми в сферата на образование, права и правосъдие, гражданство и мобилности. Има партньори в 20 държави от ЕС, Турция, Албания, Македония.

For more than 10 years, U.S.B implement actions and educational, social and voluntary mobility and youth empowerment programs. Our aims are social integration, creating and supporting a network of active citizens, as well as improving their quality of life.
The organization was created as a respond to the pressure of constant changes in the Balkan and Eastern European region and under the need for the creation of a better social environment. Key areas of the organization's activities concern the defense of human rights, the organization of youth exchanges and training courses, which will bring young people from Balkans and Europe together, the organization of local educational seminars and multimedia production, as well as promotion of volunteerism at local and international level. In addition, the design and implementation of research and new methods and tools related to education and action, cooperation with other civil society actors, as well as the involvement with state organizations to achieve the objectives of the organization are key goals of United Societies of Balkans. Finally, a crucial aim is to inform and raise awareness among young people on various social issues, as well as to strengthen and support them in the creation of a healthier and more integrated, thinking and active citizen.

Οι U.S.B, για πάνω από 10 χρόνια, υλοποιούν δράσεις και εκπαιδευτικά, κοινωνικά και εθελοντικά προγράμματα κινητικότητας και ενδυνάμωσης νεολαίας. Στόχοι, είναι η κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση, η δημιουργία και υποστήριξη δικτύου ενεργών πολιτών, καθώς και η βελτίωση της ποιότητας της ζωής τους.
Η οργάνωση δημιουργήθηκε υπό την πίεση των αλλαγών στη περιοχή των Βαλκανίων και της Ανατολικής Ευρώπης και της ανάγκης της ενασχόλησης για τη δημιουργία ενός καλύτερου κοινωνικού περιβάλλοντος για τη περιοχή. Βασικοί τομείς ενασχόλησης της οργάνωσης παραμένουν η υπεράσπιση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, η διοργάνωση ανταλλαγών και σχεδίων κατάρτισης, φέρνοντας κοντά νέους από τα Βαλκάνια και την Ευρώπη, η διοργάνωση επιμορφωτικών σεμιναρίων και η παραγωγή πολυμέσων, καθώς και ο εθελοντισμός σε τοπικό και διεθνές επίπεδο. Επιπλέον, ο σχεδιασμός και υλοποίηση ερευνών και νέων μεθόδων και εργαλείων εκπαίδευσης και δράσης, η συνεργασία με άλλους φορείς της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, όπως και η σύμπραξη με φορείς του κράτους για την επίτευξη των στόχων του φορέα. Τέλος ένα σημαντικό κομμάτι αφορά την ενημέρωση και ευαισθητοποίηση των νέων πάνω σε διάφορα κοινωνικά ζητήματα, καθώς και η ενδυνάμωση και υποστήριξη τους στην δημιουργία, ενός πιο υγιούς και ολοκληρωμένου σκεπτόμενου και δραστήριου ενεργού πολίτη.

The Tudás Alapítvány (Foundation of Knowledge) was formed in 1994, and the main objectives are to support young artists and their art exhibitions, lecturers and researchers, book and journal publishing, to release various publications, to organise scientific and cultural conferences, to cultivate cultural contacts between European nations, to present and support Hungarian culture abroad and to support the studies of talented students.

A Tudás Alapítvány (Foundation of Knowledge) 1994-ben alakult. Célja: fiatal művészek és művészeti tárlatok; oktatók és kutatók; könyv- és lapkiadás segítése; kiadványok megjelentetése; tudományos és művészeti konferenciák szervezése; az európai népek kulturális kapcsolatainak ápolása; a magyar kultúra külföldi megjelenítése, patronálása; tehetséges diákok tanulmányainak támogatása.

Consulting and training institution dedicated to innovative teaching methods, strategy creation, and development of sustainable entrepreneurship.
Primary activities of the Institute started in 2000. Since then we have been providing the highest quality training and consulting services to businesses and public sector. We have strong partnership with companies and institutions from private, public and non-governmental sectors, which enables us to stay connecting with the best professionals in different fields.

Институт за развој на заедницата е невладина и непрофитна организација која работи на подобрување на меѓуетничкото разбирање и толеранција, зајакнување на капацитетите на организациите и поединците, како и на подобрување на животните услови и животниот стандард на граѓаните.
Искуството на ИРЗ се заснова на повеќе од 25 години работа во заедницата, адресирајќи ги проблемите и потребите на граѓаните и помагање во надминување на предизвиците.
Разновидноста на различни програми, проекти и активности спроведени од страна на ИРЗ во географска област од повеќе од (60) општини кои опфаќаат повеќе од половина од населението во Република Македонија, го поставија Институтот за развој на заедницата меѓу водечките граѓански организации на национално ниво.
ИРЗ работи на создавање на разновидни е-платформи и отворени образовни ресурси, курсеви за е-учење и има многу силен потенцијал и човечки капацитети за спроведување на проекти поврзани со е-учење.
ИРЗ работи како центар за обука, нудејќи обуки за стручно образование и обука. ИРЗ претстваува социјално претпријатие кое дава поддршка и нуди услуги на заедницата, со цел да ги подобри животните услови и животниот стандард на граѓаните.
Преку своите програми ИРЗ работи на подигање на свеста кај луѓето кон ранливите категории и промовира почитување на човековите права и еднаквост за сите луѓе.

The Community Development Institute is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that works on improving the interethnic understanding and tolerance, strengthening the capacities of the organizations and individuals, as well as on improving the living conditions and standard of life of the citizens.
The CDI’s experience is based on more than 25 years’ work within the community, addressing citizens’ problems and needs and helping in overcoming challenges.
The diversity of different programs, projects and activities conducted by the CDI in a geographical area of more than (60) municipalities that cover more than half of the population in the Republic of Macedonia have placed the Community Development Institute among the leading civil society organizations at the national level.
The CDI operated in creating diverse e-platforms and open educational resources, e-learning courses and has very strong potential and human capacities for implementation of project related to e-learning.
CDI operates as a training center, offering VET trainings. CDI is declared as social enterprise providing support and offering services to the community, aiming to improve the living conditions and the standard of life of the citizens.
Through its programs CDI is working in raising awareness among people towards vulnerable categories and promoting the respect of human rights and equality for all people.

Centrul de Incubare Creativ Inovativ de Afaceri (CICIA) is an entity dedicated to the promotion of innovation and creation of competitive businesses, actively promoting the sustainable development of rural municipalities. Its main objectives, among others, are: To promote the entrepreneurial spirit among people of active age, respecting the policies promoted by the EU in the field of equal opportunities; Develop special actions for women and young entrepreneurs; Promote the management of local resources and human needs, ensuring access for future generations; Participate in the training of human resources to promote business initiatives and apply innovation in all areas of society; Promote workshops to exploit the creative potential of popular art and the association of business initiatives.