
RURAL LAB-Y’s activities program, among other activities, includes transnational meetings with associated entities, with the aim of dealing with aspects related to the presentation and coordination of the project, and on the other hand, short-term training activities for personnel in the youth field.
There are two transnational meetings to be held on the Portuguese and Spanish territory during the years 2019 and 2020, in which 9 youth workers (1 per partner country), aged 18-30, will participate.
The main objective of these meetings is to foster a shared management among entities, participants and social actors, to lay the foundations of the project, to promote the Physical Collaboration Network and the appropriate conditions for the creation of the RURAL LAB-Y Digital Platform, through experimentation, exchange of ideas, experiences and innovative training actions. For this, an informal structure will be made available to collect proposals, resources and favor the preparation of Good Rural Practices Materials, enabling the collective object of the project to identify the most relevant rural needs, related to the use of endogenous resources, strengthening the link to these spaces, and fostering the youthful associativism. It is about thinking to act, decide, participate, exchange ideas, learn, create, collaborate and boost the rural environment.
First Meeting
In the first meeting, to be held in Spain at the beginning of 2019, in addition to elaborating and detailing the preparatory aspects of coordination, management, follow-up and evaluation of the project, among others, the creation of a Youth Proposals Report «Transnational Solutions for Global Issues, which will include contributions from participants through an online project forum. Subsequently, the proposals will be disseminated through a public forum, highlighting those that promote greater interest, innovation and creativity, with the ultimate goal of bringing them together in one document.
Second Meeting
In the second meeting that will take place in the Portuguese territory at the beginning of 2020, the youth proposals that have obtained the highest score will be presented, to include and adapt to the work program, besides the exchange of impressions and comments regarding the results obtained.
Photos of the first meeting
These sessions, called «Creativity and Mentoring Workshop», will be held in Spain at the end of 2019, which will also involve 9 youth workers (1 per participant), aged between 18 and 30 years.
Presentation of the participating entities
Objectives, collective beneficiary, area of activity, activities, programs and projects
Study visit to the coordinating entity
showing the area of influence of the Duero-Douro EGTC, specifically in the Portuguese territory, its characteristics and particularities, sharing of concerns and analysis of the joint work plan. In this visit the participants will have the opportunity to know the projects that the Duero-Douro EGTC led, as well as those currently under development.
Debate seminars "From You to You"
In these seminars the needs of the participating countries will be expressed, in an institutional perspective, with the objectives of valorization and inclusion in the project.
Course of Branding and Identity
It is about developing attractive professional offers, deepening the creation of a professional brand, forms of professional differentiation, trust and harmony to increase the value of a product or service, strategy for achieving goals and objectives, visibility through a plan online communication (social networks, blog, business web) and offline (networking actions, participation in the media, congresses, conferences …).
Course of Innovation and Employment
Participating staff will be provided with a set of tools to inform and assist young people in their self-employment process, helping them to manage their daily practice in a more effective and productive way.
On the one hand, it is intended that the training actions substantially equip the professionals involved and provide them with new innovative concepts, methods and pedagogical strategies, besides being a scenario of dialogue and experimentation; favoring the active involvement of young European rural people.
E por outro, queremos conseguir a criação de uma Rede de cooperação entre os trabalhadores no âmbito da juventude, entidades associadas, colaboradores e beneficiarios indiretos, que esperamos se mantenha no tempo.
The development of these actions will result in a RURAL LAB-Y educational video as an example of Good Practices, which will allow extrapolating project results to other territories and promoting high-quality youth work.

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